To do that, well use Tailwinds background size classes. You can follow the installation instructions on the Node website, or you can follow along with our article Installing Multiple Versions of Node.js Using nvm. To do that, well use Tailwinds background repeat classes. components. For the sake of simplicity in this tutorial, well keep dark mode just based on the users OS preference. create-react-app is the official React build tool for . CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation are opinionated frameworks, meaning they provide developers with pre-defined components that have default styles. With you every step of your journey. Ive used an illustration on the hero-img you can use your picture if you prefer. components! potential of a Google standard? You can view a demo of the website were creating here, and you can find the code for this repository on this GitHub repository. The rest of the product component is this., If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Second, well make the product cards border a little rounded. Now, create a components folder inside the src folder. So, lets first install it: When using CRA, the scripts in package.json look like this: As were using CRACO to do what we cant do with CRA by default, we need to change the scripts to use CRACO for building the project or running it in development: Weve replaced react-scripts with craco in the start, build and test scripts. Autoprefixer is a PostCSS plugin that uses values from to automatically add vendor prefixes to CSS rules. Deutsch. For instance, if we wanted to always show our lists the way we set them up here, we could create a .list-ul class that represented an unordered list with the Tailwind utilities list-disc list-inside my-5 pl-2 applied. We're going to start off by applying Tailwind CSS straight to a static HTML page. This responsive website was built using #reactjs, and #Tailwindcss, and features a sleek design Tailwind CSS Components - Tailwind UI By the makers of Tailwind CSS Beautiful UI components, crafted with Tailwind CSS. For instance, if you want to create a button with a black background and white text color, you need to use the bg-black and text-white utility classes. Updated on Jan 19. Templates 143. JazakAllah brother. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. Stoman is an open-source React portfolio template that's available on GitHub. Master modern web development by building a responsive React JS application consisting of a stunning hero section, high-quality assets and gradients, business stats, reusable feature sections with call-to-action buttons, testimonials . You will create the simple web page below and style it using Tailwinds utility classes. your needs and taste. Thats when variants come in. This responsive website was built using #reactjs, and #Tailwindcss, and features a sleek design The most popular way of using Tailwind CSS is by installing it as a PostCSS plugin. We can apply this to any number of components in our design system. your details from step 1. details. A collection of stunning components made with attention to the smallest Its a free google font. #css #tailwind Free Tailwind CSS Form Components First, let's cover the form components provided in the Tailwind CSS documentation. Forms, cards, buttons, and hundreds of others in Tailwind It can also be none to remove any box shadow or inner to make the shadow inner. Follow along and build this React JS \u0026 Tailwind CSS 100% mobile responsive website from scratch. Mary is a staff writer at MUO based in Nairobi. First, create a React project with create-react-app: Then, change directory to the created project: Next, well install the dependencies required for Tailwind CSS: Were installing Tailwind CSS with the PostCSS 7 compatibility build, as Create React App (or CRA) does not support PostCSS 8 at the time of writing this article. The same goes for options and even icons. One of the variants that arent enabled is group-hover. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. First, well add some shadow to each product. She has a B.Sc in Applied Physics and Computer Science but enjoys working in tech more. I am applying for jobs lately. Were also installing autoprefixer, as its required for Tailwind CSS after version 2.0. Open Now, tailwind CSS installation process is different for every platform and we will follow the React one at So, first we need to install the below packages in our project with Dev dependencies. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Tailwind CSS in React and how you can use it to build a simple React page. Get 10 tailwind store website templates on ThemeForest such as Razor - Electronics Store React Template, BoroBazar - React Ecommerce Template with Grocery & Food Store, PickBazar - React Ecommerce Template with React Hooks, Next JS, GraphQL & REST API Inside the App.css file, replace the entire content with: This is going to import Tailwind's base styles, components, and utility classes that allow Tailwind to work as you would expect it to. Notus PRO React $ 79 Premium Components Library for Tailwind CSS and React . You can change the links with anything from the CSS Navbars and everything will work properly. Every developer must have a portfolio website to showoff their skills and projects. The dark variant allows us to easily style our elements for dark mode at the same time were styling them for light mode. For example, to make your texts color green you add the class text-green-100. You dont need to import App.css since the styles generated by Tailwind CSS are stored in index.css which you imported in index.js earlier. Here, we are showing the Menu which we have copied from Heroicons in the mobile view and the Menu with Links in the desktop view. Frontend VueJs developer at Cryptum Technologies, Islamabad, ReactJS | React-Native | Front-End | Exploring Python, flex justify-between px-5 py-2 bg-primary text-white fixed w-full z-10, "container mx-auto grid md:grid-cols-2 items-center justify-center md:justify-between", "pr-4 inline-block text-accent hover:text-white", " btn bg-accent border-2 border-[#7477FF] text-white px-6 py-3 hover:bg-transparent", "text-4xl font-bold mb-5 border-b-[5px] w-[180px] border-indigo-600 pb-2", A multi author blog. It's all compatible with React, VueJS and Angular application. it's really insightful. English. The trick with Tailwind, is they intentionally don't provide pre-baked component classes with the idea being that likely people would need to override these components anyways to make them look how they wanted. National Capital Region, Philippines. And for the icons well use the React Icons library. Appreciate your comment by the way. Second, well change the background repeats attribute to make sure the image doesnt repeat multiple times. For example, background colors belong to the backgroundColor plugin. Tired of opinionated CSS frameworks? If you want to test how the website will look in dark mode but you dont have it set to dark mode, you can emulate this in Chrome DevTools. Finally, make sure index.css is imported in index.js and Tailwind CSS will be ready for use. Don't worry! Next, let's make our headers look like actual headers. I like to write niche-blogs mostly I write on computer science, medical science, and business. Most components can take variations in colors that you can easily modify using Tailwind CSS classes. Not only that, but you can also add a negative margin by adding - to the beginning of the class. All my projects are listed 15,453 4.80/5. If you have Node.js installed, then youll have npm installed. Tailwind CSS has a steep learning curve even for experienced developers. Start by creating a new React project with Create React App v5.0+ if you don't have one already set up. You can deploy it and show off your projects. I enjoyed witnessing how React and Tailwind fit so well together. the default theme by overwriting project's color palette, type scale, Now that you know what you need, lets start building. Get started, freeCodeCamp is a donor-supported tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charity organization (United States Federal Tax Identification Number: 82-0779546). You can make a tax-deductible donation here. Ill add dev api on this portfolio, if you want to see do the same follow me to notified when I post the article. Lets try changing the colors a little. To do that, well use Tailwinds padding classes. Lets start adding some styling. Tailwind CSS is a utility first CSS framework that allows developers to design custom web components without switching to a CSS file. We can also remove the App.css import from our App.js file because it's now getting injected directly into our index.css file. In the terminal, go to the folder where your project is located. A Fullstack Netflix Clone with NextJS and Tailwind CSS Mar 18, 2023 A car rental website built with React Mar 18, 2023 A flashcard application that allows users to create, edit, and delete decks Mar 18, 2023 A fitness app which shows exercises and plans meals for you Mar 18, 2023 A habit tracking application using React Mar 17, 2023 Thanks to Back to our website. Though it's a manual process, we'll find out how we can make this process easier when building in more dynamic projects like those based on React. Step 1: Spinning up a new React app I'm not going to detail this step out too much. A Music Lib Website using React and Firebase 01 February 2023. together with you! Source Code: The numeric scale defines the shade of the color, where 50 is the lightest shade and 900 is the darkest. You can find the code for the same in this github repo. Tailwind typically recommends that you install through npm to get the full functionality, but again, we're just trying to understand how this works first. available on the Internet. Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. With our configuration, we need to include it as part of the build and watch processes. Its is again a simple component, with a big EGGMATIC text, which is of different sizes on different screen. Part 1: Adding Tailwind CSS to a static HTML page, Part 2: Adding Tailwind CSS to a React app. Our website needs styling, responsive adjustments, and a couple game-like animations. One way to do that is by defining your own colors. We're also applying a darker button color when someone hovers over the button. Navigate to the folder and open it using your preferred text editor. This tutorial shows how to create a product website using React and Tailwind CSS. Well also add some margin to the description container using mt-4: Well also add top and bottom margin to the entire container in src/App.js so that the first and last products arent right at the edge of the page from both sides. genius. Then enter the command below, accept or fill in your project's First weve got all the projects in an array, so that we dont have to repeat ourselves. In this post we will build a simple ReactJS app with Tailwind CSS and in this process will learn to add Tailwind CSS to our app. As we styled the mobile nav with tailwind, it was getting really messy and repetitive. I'm not going to detail this step out too much. We will install and use Tailwind CSS in a Create-React-App application. We've taken a simple example, one that it is most used in real-life website, an naviagtion menu with text and icon links. You can apply this methodology to any other component that you'd like to build. For example, to add a new color to our theme, we can do the following in tailwind.config.js: Notice that inside theme.extend, weve added a colors object, then inside that weve added the key turquoise with the hex code for turquoise color. This tutorial shows how to create a product website using React and Tailwind CSS. To do that, well use Tailwinds margin utility classes. With Tailwind Elements, adding a dark mode to your project is child's design and more functionalities. Built with Node.js, MongoDB, React, Redux and Tailwind CSS, Free website template directory for SaaS and Degital Agency. Landmark - Free Tailwind CSS Landing Page Website Template Free 2407 . create-react-app provides an easy way to create a React app without configuring build tools like webpack, babel, or linters. Stash your laptop (up to 15 inches) in the padded sleeve, your everyday", "", "w-5/12 bg-contain bg-no-repeat bg-center", "bg-contain bg-no-repeat bg-center w-full h-full", "flex bg-white w-full mb-5 shadow-sm rounded-lg", "flex bg-white w-full mb-5 shadow-sm rounded-lg dark:bg-gray-300", "w-5/12 p-2 dark:bg-white rounded-tl-lg rounded-bl-lg", "flex bg-white w-full mb-5 shadow-sm rounded-lg dark:bg-gray-300 group overflow-hidden hover:shadow-2xl transition-shadow duration-300", "bg-contain bg-no-repeat bg-center w-full h-full transition-transform duration-300 group-hover:transform group-hover:scale-125", Create React App Configuration Override (CRACO), Installing Multiple Versions of Node.js Using nvm, Create React App: Get React Projects Ready Fast, Create React App Configuration Override (or CRACO), How to Create Responsive React Components with React Textfit, React Hooks: How to Get Started & Build Your Own, How to Build Unique, Beautiful Websites with Tailwind CSS, Quick Tip: Build a Video Player Component in React, Build a Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Website: CSS. Well add two final touches to the current style. If you get an error for either, then you have to install Node. We will be honored if you decide to leave your email address in order are grateful for every submitted issue or feature request. I'll wait for you to setup the project. To do that, well utilize Tailwinds background color classes. code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. Built with Bootstrap, JQuery and JavaScript,, Frontend Mentor challange directory, solved with vanilla CSS,,, Quote search app. Search for cart and select the second icon by clicking on it. Learn more about the differences between Tailwind CSS and Bootstrap from our article on the topic. Live preview Documentation Currently v1.1.0. And by default, CRA imports src/index.css in src/index.js: This means that Tailwind CSS styles will be applied in our React project, and were ready to start building a beautiful website! Instead, you use utility classes. play. Well also use hover:shadow-2xl to make the shadow of the product card larger with transition-shadow duration-300, to ensure the transition is seamless: Note: if youre emulating dark mode (or using dark mode), you might see the effect better in light mode, so make sure to switch to light mode. called Material Minimal, is the perfect choice for you it combines Add the paths to all of your template files in your tailwind.config.js file. You can even select First, lets add some padding for the product information container. Most developers like to follow the separation of concerns principle such that the CSS and HTML files are written in different files. The format for these classes is text-{size}, where size ranges from sm to 9xl. Open your terminal and install the MDB CLI globally by entering the So, open your terminal and create a new ReactJS application by using the command below. I am building a project in office. I'll help you with your Web Application front end using ReactJs and tailwind CSS I can also help you to create React UI using Html, CSS, or Tailwind CSS *charges are not fixed* - it can change according to the complexity of the task or the number of pages. Tailwind includes a set of preflight styles to fix cross-browser inconsistencies. To build the project first we need to setup a React.js and Tailwind CSS project. The format for these classes is rounded-{position}-{size}, where size is optional and can range from sm to 3xl or can be none for 0 border radius or full to make it fully rounded. Enter the following command in the terminal, and then log in using Go to the products endpoint and copy the response. Next, let's create a color modifier. So that means, we're going to have to create our own using the utility classes! Tail-kit gives you access to over 250 free components and free templates, based on Tailwind CSS 3.0. Components, navigation, forms Tailwind Elements provides an We're going to use our button that we already created as an example of creating a new component. register, you can just use that. To find out about all the The format for these classes is bg-{repeatValue}, where repeatValue is the value youd give to the background-repeat property, or bg-repeat-round for round value and bg-repeat-space for space value. Next, in package.json we need to update three scripts as shown below. Install tailwindcss via npm, and then run the init command to generate your tailwind.config.js file. But I can't seem to make the statusbar/background white. Through this walkthrough, we learned how to create a new component class using the Tailwind apply directive. Do the same for npm: It should be noted that Tailwind CSS requires Node.js version 12.13.0 or higher. Updating to Node.js v15 should work, but if youre unable to do that, please follow one of the workarounds here. Open the DevTools by pressing F12, then press CTRL + SHIFT + P (or CMD + SHIFT + P on macOS) and in the dropdown that appears enter Show Rendering and choose the option that shows. The role is significant in managing the papers for the preparation of events and documentation in the community development programs. In our case, well be using bg-no-repeat. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. In our case, since we want the width to be 50% of the parent for screens having a width of at least 768px, well use the md variant with w-1/2: The width will now be changed to be half the screens width. Please Our mission is to bring the invaluable knowledge and experiences of experts from all over the world to the novice. Learn more about the differences between Tailwind CSS is a staff writer at MUO based in Nairobi to make statusbar/background... 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